Monday, November 14, 2011

We researched all about plastic recycling.
We wrote our information on plastic bottles and glue gunned them to an old real estate sign.
Our group found out about how some things get recycled and what countries do best at recycling.
We made a triangle that represents the universal recycling sign and Jayde made a sign out of wood and sand.
We found out about Re using, Reducing and Recycling.

J.J. made a wooden stand with handles and Zaevian bought an old sign to use as the information board. We wrote our information on re-use paper and added plastic, metal and other recyclable items to it.
We made a robot out of bottles and a tissue box. Nihmaren made a hat to go on the top.
We put information about the types of things you can recycle on the back of our robot.

Flynn, Zeb, Nihmaren and Nathan

Throwing petals in the air before school!

By Erin


For the last three weeks we have been learning about Recycling. We have been making artistic projects for our focus on Recycling. Some of our parents came in to help us Glue Gun some of our art together and hammer some hinges on the wood. We made up a questions then Mrs Looney told seven of us to pick one question, each and then we got into groups. Then the groups went on the internet to find some information to present it on stuff that already been recycled.
They turned out great.

By Teegan and Hanna

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Palmerston North

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we went to Palmerston North.
First we went to McDonald's. Then our two families went to the N.P.G.H.S basketball finals. They came 4th.
After that we went to Annalise's house. We could see the wind farm. from there.
Then we went to the wind turbines. You were allowed to stand under the wind turbines. It was scary.
Then we went to McDonald's for lunch. Then we went to Tracy's Mum's house. They have 3 dogs. Toby the fat one was scary, he chased after me. It was freaky.
Soon we went to McDonald's for tea.
Then we started to drive home to New Plymouth.
It was great going to Palmerston North because we had a lot of fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Todays art work.

We used black paper for the background.

then we cut out strips of paper and folded , pleated, twisted and curled them and stuck them on and it turned out like this.

By Joe Collins and Cameron Shotter.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Daffodil Day

We have dressed up for daffodil day.

We also bought some money to support the cancer society.

Look at the stripy yellow socks!